
Oh, you guys.  I missed Thanksgiving.  Well, sort of, in the sense that instead of blogging it, I was doing, which is infinitely better.  I celebrated with staff and students and families on Wednesday, then took off for the lake on Thursday morning for some rest.  I skyped with my family, though the connection was terrible, and it made me want to sit at home and play cards and eat pumpkin pie, and promise my mother, again, that yes, someday I will get married and have babies.  Someday.  From that point on, since my video on Skype made me look like a poorly dubbed Japanese movie, I remained relatively unplugged for the remainder of the weekend and forgot for a few minutes that I even had a blog or papers looming.  It was nice.

When I think about the things for which I am thankful, I get overwhelmed.  This year more than any other I am overcome when I consider the gift of my family and friends, in the United States, and Guatemala, and how sweet it is to have both.  Love doesn't require a one or the other, but tends to wraps its arms around anything within reach.

Happy Thanksgiving, albeit a bit late.

Guatemala, Lake AtitlanSky Lohse