*Before you begin, download the Phantom of the Opera song at the bottom of the post.  It will set the mood nicely.

It is no secret that the Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical.  I know every word to every song.  I love the story- romance and intrigue, tragedy and redemption- it has it all.  During our photo weekend, we were granted full access to the theater in Quetzaltenango.  We were free to roam and shoot wherever and whatever we pleased.  

As I took photos, I enjoyed the details and the space, but it wasn't until I was on the third floor that it hit me- I felt like the Phantom of the Opera.  See, friends?  Dreams really do come true.  I could imagine myself playing tricks on the diva below while hiding in the rafters behind my mask.  In some ways, it felt like I was engaged in a lifesized doll house and my imagination really did get the best of me when I ran up the rickety set of stairs that led to the final level which was just sparce planks spaced about a foot apart.  I stood up there holding my breath, observing the stage two stories below, watching the story come to life.  I should have been hoping the boards would hold my weight, but whimsy has a way of silencing the practical.

Phantom of the Opera