Anyone up for some real talk? Until now, my late summer and fall was a mess of grad work and actual work and moving homes and and and...
And really, it sucks- to have everything blur by to the point where I can barely recall September. Weekends disappearing, and sweating Sundays because everything is due, and nothing feels quite complete, and the rest that comes with the Sabbath nowhere to be found. What this looks like in real life is survival mode. Trying to do everything, but having basics like exercising, and eating well, and doing anything for fun fall to the wayside, and feeling like I'm doing nothing well. Reflection? There is no room for that in that scenario. Reflection at that point was deep sighs and saying to myself, "this. sucks." I don't mean to complain, because it was something that I considered and a path that I chose.
But now, now I have time. Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday, and as I consider the meal and the guests, I also consider the things I have overlooked in my recent haste. I have a friend that sent me a list of questions for personal reflection. I was exhausted after considering the second of twenty, making me realize I need the exercise. The above quote rings true, and its time I start recognizing it.
If you stop back, we can answering these questions together, one or two at a time