Once a week


                It has been more than days and weeks.  It has been over a month since I have had time to sit down and write.  To write for me, anyway.  I have been working furiously on my prospectus, praying I get the green light to move on.  I have been editing photos.  I have been saying hello and goodbye to friends, which all seems too soon.  I have been leaving home to come home and am finding it hard to settle in with so much up in the air.  I have been getting used to a new desk and responsibilities and challenges it brings. 

                I turned one year older a month ago, and will inevitably have something to say about that when there is time.  Until then, I will be here, though not as often.  I can commit to writing once a week for now, and know I can make that goal.  I may have time for more, depending on my workload, as there are many things I want to write, things that need to be said.  I want to write about the Darkroom Project and what it means to me- how the projects changed me.  How my toes felt in the sand on the banks of Lake Michigan.  I want to write about transition and the struggle it has been to come back, one that I had not anticipated.  I want to say some things about my doctorate and the sacrifice is has become.  I want to write about the rain and fog, and the storms and how I find them gloomy, but comforting.  I want to write.

Until the words find their way out, don't give up on me.

Sky Lohse