The Reserve
This photo was taken at Reserva Natural Privada Manchon Guamuchal, or that is our best guess. We looked at Google Maps on Monday to see if we could nail down where we’d been. No roads are charted, but we knew we hadn’t hit Mexico, so the reserve is our conclusion. Since, I have heard about kayaking at that reserve and people and tents, leading me to believe that perhaps we found a portal to another dimension and it wasn’t the reserve after all.
Saturday was a day for exploring and guessing and landing on an empty beach with black sand, not a soul in sight. We headed out mid-morning, swimsuits and a cooler, with less than a sure destination. The road was completely gutted, with mud puddles that spanned yards and pot holes in which we could have lost my pickup. There are days without power and days without water in Guatemala, landslides and earthquakes, which is annoying and frustrating and I shake my head, wondering what I was thinking choosing this nonsense. And then there are days like Saturday when I feel like I find a sliver of heaven. And places where I feel a little bit wild and a lot a bit free.
Field notes from the home front:
· I moved. My new house and neighborhood are quiet and a bit out of town, but completely worth it. Dagny and I are both settled and have never been happier to just hang out at home.
· My dissertation is coming along. Much of my spare time is devoted to school, and though I would rather be doing other things (it is hard to imagine unallocated time), I am confident that it will be over shortly.
· I finally started working out again and Jillian Michaels is ruining my life with Ripped in 30. I’m a sick person, I know, but it feels good to be sore.
· I’m cooking again. I try to make things like breakfast burritos that I can freeze, and pack lunches for the week before it begins. My dinners, as is common in Guatemala, are small and are often smoothies, or something else minimal that gets the job done.
· I love, love, love twitter these days for connecting with other educators around the world. I have a few friends in the capital, but finding a professional network has been tough. I’m loving the chance to connect and stand on the shoulders of giants. My handle is @peoplecallmesky if you are interested.
I hope this finds you well. May your weekend be restful and enjoyable. See you next week when I'm back on my game.