highs and lows
- Sitting on the terraza after work with a beer and fresh guacamole. I made strawberry salsa last week and that was divine and perfect for winding down as well.
- Buying a pound of giant strawberries for 5Q. That's just over fifty cents.
- Rekindling my love of Marc Anthony and learning how to sing his songs in Spanish. He's so awful, but I just can't get enough.
- Watching the male teachers do an "evolution of dance" type thing at silly skit night. Unexpected and hilarious.
- Getting an education on "the south" and the way y'all do things down there from Lizzie and Amy while we drove to Guatemala City. I left the conversation more confused than when I came, and am feeling like the customs of the South are more foreign than those of Central America.
- I only have one more week of my current class before a weeklong break. My current grade is 99.19%. BOOM.
- Driving to Guatemala City at four in the morning to sit in the immigration office for a few hours and then drive back in the same day. Blech.
- The disaster that was the protests last Thursday. In total, eight lives were lost unnecessarily. Here's the link if you're interested: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20121006/lt-guatemala-protest/
- I only teach one class to fulfill my internship requirement, and while I was away on Tuesday, they had a sub. I asked one of the kids if they got their event proposal done and the blank look on his face was all the answer I needed. What I asked him what they did do in my absence, he said, "Well, Miss, we did get into our groups..." "Okay, then what?" "Well, uhhhh...." "And then you just tormented Mr.Iverson?" "Basically." Two thumbs up for honesty.
- The scary look in my teacher's eyes when I told her that I did not do my Spanish homework. Again. I think I groveled longer than it would have taken me to just do the assignment. Fail.
- Update: I went to take a shower and the electric showerhead mysteriously stopped working. Dry shampoo anyone?
Anyone else want to weigh in? How has your week been?