Shut it down: Christmas Break
Finals are done, grades are in, kids are sugared up. Today is our last day of school before Christmas break and I can speak for everyone on staff when I say "Hallelujah!" The art above was done by the first and second graders to represent what they want to be someday. As you can see, Sofia wants to be a robot maker. Jimena, not pictured, but worth mentioning, would like to be a mime.
I'm going to miss the staff, and the kids over break, but am looking forward to taking a breather and seeing my family. The fall semester flew by, especially the month of November, faster than I would have liked. Our secretary has been singing Mariah Carey, "All I Want for Christmas is You" and playing the dog barking "Jingle Bells" on repeat, but it didn't hit me until today that Christmas is near. Thanksgiving has passed, and we are now in a season of celebration and hope.
I'm all packed up and ready to head out. Dagny is with her surrogate family that spoils her rotten, so that should be fun when she returns. As usual, I left packing for the last possible moment, and spent ten minutes this morning throwing things in my bag before work. I have a few pit stops to make before arriving in Minneapolis- first Lago Atitlan for Christmas shopping, then Belize for rest.
Have a beautiful, restful weekend.