Adventures with Dagny

Sometimes I can't play all day.  Sometimes I have to work- and long hours at that.  When I know that I'm going to be away from home for a particularly long time, I ask my friend Armando if he can take Dagny for the day.  Because they do fun things like go to the doggy spa (really.) and go for rides in the car, he's basically at the top of her friend list.  ​

On Thursday I knew I would have to be at work until after six, so Dags and Armando partied all day.  He stopped by my office on his way to a meeting to show me this photo and let me know that Dagny now has her own instagram.


Evidently they were stuck in traffic for an extended period of time, so the pair went for a walk and had a nice chat with some people in the back of a pick-up.  Dagny makes friends wherever she goes.  To keep up with her while I'm gone, you can find Dagny on adventures @dagnytlohse on instagram.​

Sky Lohse