Has it been a long few weeks for anyone else? Our seniors are graduated and moving on. I have moved offices and am working on making the new one my own. We took several trucks to the mechanic only to have all of them fail the test. The only one that passed the seller chose to keep. My apartment decided to flood every time it rained, which is basically everyday now. I also realized that I have to make two portfolios for grad school, not one. Also, someone stole my peanut butter out of the staff lounge.
Some of these things have been resolved, others not. I was tearing-my-hair-out stressed for some time until I took a deep breath and let it go. Now is not a time to worry. We have two amazing projects coming up shortly for the Darkroom Project, and I am going to see family in exactly one week. A truck will come. A new home will come. The portfolios will get done. It will all get settled, though I doubt my peanut butter is coming back.