In this moment, I feel like my whole body is one giant sigh of relief. Dramatic, I know, but its real to me, okay? I finally graduated. Finally. My seniors graduated last night, taking one more thing off my plate, and the school year is officially closed. Finally.
While I was away from the blog, rainy season began with an early vengence. We had more rain in the first eight days of May, than in all of May in years prior. The reality of this looks like torrential downpour and flooding in zones 2 and 3. Thankfully, damage was minimal and everything is back to a lush green. Little known fact: I prefer rainy season to dry. In Guatemala, I will always take vibrant green to dusty brown. I also enjoy rainy afternoons, provided I don't have too many pressing errands. Dagny, on the other hand, despises the rain. She spends what feels like an eternity sitting on the front stoop, waiting for a break in the weather to run out, use the bathroom, and then dive back under the blanket from whence she came.
I'll be back to blogging on a more regular basis now that some of the busyness has calmed. I'm looking forward to starting my length "to do" list now that all the fires have been put out. Today, we are heading to the coast for a nice, relaxing barbecue by the pool. Dags will likely take a little swim, and rest will be had by all.
Have a great weekend.
P.S. To the gentlemen asking for advice on your upcoming road trip (RV, etc.), please email me again and I'd be happy to help. Somehow, I lost your original email between switching phones/computers.