Like everything came back to me.
It would seem that I am in a constant state of packing and unpacking. I am thankful because it means that I went home for graduation, and spent time with my family. It means I went back and watched my students graduate as well. And it means that I've been bouncing between Washington, DC, New York, and that I've finally landed in Minneapolis.
My dad took the photo above at the cabin, while we were fishing on Sunday night. The fish were biting all weekend long, which is a godsend for people like me, with the attention span of a toddler (and for those who have to deal with us). I can't remember laughing more while at the lake. My mom, casting in the opposite direction of my chair, yet somehow her line ending up draped over me. Me, casting over my mom, then dropping everything when I see her bobber go down, pulling up her fish hand over hand, dividing my focus between bringing it in and not peeing my pants from laughing.
We had unexpected visits from old friends, saw family, and spent time reading. My mom and I weaved vines through her fairy house and I relearned how to fillet like a pro. I caught up with my childhood by retelling stories with one of my dearest friends whose memory is the steel trap to my pathetic leaking sieve that can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
"...what does love look like"
to which I replied,
"like everything I've ever lost came back to me."
I've always loved this quote by Nayyirah Waheed, but felt like I finally touched it this weekend.
If it gets better than this, I'm not sure how.