Starting Again.

Oh, gang.  It is hard to sit down and get back into this.  I don't know how many times over the last couple months I've told people that "tonight, tonight I'm going to write for the blog," and then I just don't.  I think its a combination of having had a hard year, and not being in the habit that held me back.  There are some things that I still don't know how to talk about, nor do I want to, and so where do we go from there?

I'm going to start posting again, because its good for me, and because I've been taking photos and I want to tell the stories that go with them.  My own story looks different because of the people I've met, and I'm excited to share.  

I hope this finds you well and happy in the new year.  I'm looking forward to sharing and growing again.

Sky Lohse