
If you know anything about me at all, its that I love options.  Give me a hundred choices spread out in front of me like a map of infinite possibilities and I'll never be happier.  The rub is that I hate having to decide.  Making a definitive choice has a way of setting us on a path, which is a good thing, unless you want to follow all paths at the same time, and I do.  All the time.

Recently I've had to make some hard decisions.  I used to think that life was tough when I had to choose between the lesser of two evils, finally settling on the one that I think I can bear.  Not so.  It is much harder to decide when all things are good- and for different reasons.  There was a job in Minneapolis that was wonderful, competing against a job in Guatemala that was enticing as well.  I agonized over my decision, not only because of my career, but because of the people I would let down in both scenarios.  I've never cried before when turning down a position, but there's a first time for everything, I guess.  Choosing is unfun, and painful, but necessary to move forward and grow and change.

I have signed another contract and will be staying in Guatemala for two years more.  I am excited to invest more in this community and school and culture.  I've made plans to research a topic for my dissertation that will aid the educational structure here as a whole.  I'm conspiring with friends on creative projects that will bring life and make a difference.  I'm planting my feet, and I am excited.  

Be More.Sky Lohse