In the studio: Kitting it out


The excitement over finally finding a studio led to a momentary lapse, where we thought all we'd have to do is paint the walls white and we'd be in business.  And then I realized that my easel is tucked away in storage, along with everything else from my studio- and its in the states.  The pessimist in me whines about having to buy things I already own and start from scratch.  The optimist reminds me that this is a time to create, and build something new, and that starting from scratch is great news.  The possibilities feel endless.

I've spent time combing Pinterest for good ideas, but ultimately returned to a basic work bench for carving spoons and woodworking, and a high table for making art.  My easel will be less conventional, but simple still.  It strikes me as strange, that with creativity and a plethora of ideas that I'd end up back at the start, with the familiar.  Its probably more commentary on the human condition.

The last few afternoons have been spent running around to various wood shops and hardware stores, filling the back of the pick-up with supplies.  Initially planning for smooth plywood, we came across the rough cut wood you see above and reconsidered.  Some will be sanded here and there, but the majority will remain as is, pieces of bark and blemishes still intact.  I had a vision for the studio, but it seems that its become a character itself, absorbing rugged materials and fruit crates, and woven mats.  I'm equal parts puzzled and thrilled of what it might become.

Sky Lohse